  • raised Rs.5,000
  • Goal Rs.20,000
  • Day left ENDED

Campaign description


Our goal is to promote gender equality and empower women and girls by providing them access to equal opportunities such as education, jobs and healthcare, which will enable them to take responsibility for their own development and their families.

Women are keystone for families, but they are also indispensable for building healthier, more educated, peaceful and prosperous societies.

The economic and personal empowerment allows women to make safer choices for themselves and their families. Avoiding  sexual exploitation, reducing the impact of HIV/AIDS, delaying marriage, improving their health and their children’ s , increasing in self confidence and decision-making power, reducing poverty by participating in the household and community income and preventing their children from school dropout and child labor.

Regrettably, being poverty a widespread evil in India with a rate of 29. 8%of population living below the poverty line[1] , girls and women are among those most vulnerable to suffer it, situation further aggravated when we are talking about impoverished communities, where become target of double or even triple discrimination in case they belong to a low caste.

In L&TW we strive to give women back their status and their rights, so they can regain control of their lives and take their place back in the community.


WHAT WE DOwomen empowerment

-Advocate for gender equality through education, coaching and social awareness activities.

-Provide vocational and skills training to disadvantaged women, helping them to become self-reliant and increase their family incomes.

Encourage them , once finish their training, to keep learning the basics in literacy, numeracy, English, computer and information skills, for them to become absolutely independent and free from exploitation.

-Promote the creation of self-help associations of women as a mean to encourage women´s confidence and their participation in society, as well as a way to nurture deeper community bonds and circles of support, which will help to their sustainable development.

-Grant support and counseling to women who have suffered discrimination or violence in their communities or their core families and providing them with strategies to avoid and face such situations.




[1] The World Factbook, CIA.  https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/in.html

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54489 reviews
  • महेश मिश्रा
    4:24 am - December 19, 2016. Reply

    आजीविका,समानता,महिला सशक्तिकरण की दिशा में सराहनीय पहल । सामुहिकता का बोध लेकर ये संस्था भारत ही नहीं दुनिया मे अपना नाम रौशन करे । यही हम मधुपुरवासियों की शुभकामना है ।

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